Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Details for Mechanism ID: 9396
Country/Region: Côte d'Ivoire
Year: 2013
Main Partner: Partnership for Supply Chain Management
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $36,518,600

SCMS is the procurement agent for PEPFAR-funded drugs and commodities in Cote dIvoire and the principal provider of technical assistance (TA) for the HIV/AIDS commodities supply chain, especially for forecasting and management. As PEPFAR-supported HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment programs scale up, SCMS procures most PEPFAR drugs, lab supplies, and other commodities, which are delivered (along with other donor procurements) to the Public Health Pharmacy (PSP) for storage and distribution within the national supply chain.

A critical component of SCMS support is strengthening the data-management and leadership capacities of the Ministry of Health and AIDS (MSLS) to enable it to play its national oversight role more effectively. SCMS works to ensure that regular and accurate commodities

data and analyses are available to inform all stakeholders and empower the MSLS to make evidence-based decisions.

SCMS is continuing its TA to strengthen the institutional capacity of the PSP and of health districts and HIV/AIDS care and treatment sites to improve the management of drugs and commodities. SCMS provides ongoing technical and management support to HIV/AIDS supply-chain coordination at the central and district levels to build capacity of national counterparts in quantification, information systems, warehousing, and waste management.


-Through COP11: 2. (Two other vehicles were transferred from another partner to SCMS.)

-New requests in COP12: 0

-Total planned vehicles for life of mechanism: 2

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $2,700,000

Please note that this mechanisms COP 2012 funding request takes into account about $11.5 million in pipeline, across various budget codes.

SCMS is the procurement agent for PEPFAR-funded drugs and commodities in Cote dIvoire and the principal provider of technical assistance (TA) for the HIV/AIDS commodities supply chain, especially for forecasting and management.

In the HBHC budget code, SCMS will use pipeline funding to procure and deliver a standard package of palliative care materials for an FY 2013 target of 191,100 adult HIV patients (and 18,900 pediatric patients, funded through pipeline funds in PDCS) to the Public Health Pharmacy (PSP) central warehouses and ensure pre-arranged distribution planning for incoming orders to facilitate in-country management. PSP and the National HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Program (PNPEC) with SCMS support will ensure that a rational distribution plan is pre-calculated for each site based on prior consumption and reviewed at least quarterly using client data and physical inventory spot-checks.

With FY 2012 funding, SCMS will procure cotrimoxazole to cover all identified ART patients and non-ART patients who should receive cotrimoxazole prophylaxis according to national guidelines.

SCMS is procuring water purification systems (LifeStraw) with COP 2011 funds. These will be piloted and evaluated before additional orders are considered.

SCMS will continue procuring reagents and consumables for biological monitoring for pre-ART patients.

SCMS will support care and treatment programs by procuring reagents and consumables to support diagnosis of STIs, TB, and opportunistic infections.

SCMS will continue to support the PSP, PNPEC, and other Ministry of Health and AIDS (MSLS) divisions to improve the quality, accuracy, and frequency of commodities forecasting, in conjunction with PEPFAR implementing partners, the Global Fund, and other donors.

Following national directives from the MSLS, all incoming commodities will be delivered to PSP-CI, which will ensure delivery to sites. The monitoring and evaluation of these commodities to each service site will be done in conjunction with PNPEC and PSP-CI.

Funding for Care: Pediatric Care and Support (PDCS): $395,000

Please note that this mechanisms COP 2012 funding request takes into account about $11.5 million in pipeline, across various budget codes.

SCMS is the procurement agent for PEPFAR-funded drugs and commodities in Cote dIvoire and the principal provider of technical assistance (TA) for the HIV/AIDS commodities supply chain, especially for forecasting and management.

In the PDCS budget code, SCMS will use pipeline funding to procure reagents and consumables for HIV biological monitoring for 18,900 pre-ART pediatric patients by September 2013, as well as reagents and consumables for early infant diagnosis tests for 10,000 children of HIV-positive mothers. SCMS will procure cotrimoxazole for all pediatric patients (on ART and pre-ART) eligible under national guidelines.

SCMS will support the PSP, National HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Program (PNPEC), and other Ministry of Health and AIDS (MSLS) divisions to ensure that a rational distribution plan is pre-calculated for each site, based on prior consumption and validated at least quarterly using client data and physical inventory.

SCMS will continue to support the PSP, PNPEC, and other Ministry of Health and AIDS (MSLS) divisions to improve the quality, accuracy, and frequency of commodities forecasting, in conjunction with PEPFAR implementing partners, the Global Fund, and other donors.

Following national directives from the MSLS, all incoming commodities will be delivered to PSP-CI, which will ensure delivery to sites. The monitoring and evaluation of these commodities to each service site will be done in conjunction with PNPEC and PSP-CI.

Funding for Laboratory Infrastructure (HLAB): $3,727,100

Please note that this mechanisms COP 2012 funding request takes into account about $11.5 million in pipeline, across various budget codes.

SCMS is the procurement agent for PEPFAR-funded drugs and commodities in Cote dIvoire and the principal provider of technical assistance (TA) for the HIV/AIDS commodities supply chain, especially for forecasting and management.

In the HLAB budget code, SCMS will use FY 2012 and pipeline funding to procure laboratory equipment to support new laboratory sites and to replace existing equipment that is frequently breaking down, was damaged during the recent civil war, or is not included in the standard list.

SCMS will also procure 93 PIMA CD4 machines, recently evaluated by CDC/Retro-CI, for pilot use in PMTCT sites.

SCMS will also provide technical assistance for lab harmonization. SCMS will continue to work with the Ministry of Health and AIDS (MSLS) division for infrastructure and maintenance (DIEM), the National HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Program(PNPEC), and Lab Technical Working Group to advocate for donor agreement on national guidelines and to disseminate lab harmonized/standardized guidelines in 80% of ART sites.

SCMS will provide technical assistance for lab equipment maintenance. Based on results of an equipment maintenance assessment , SCMS will work to build the capacity of the DIEM to manage lab equipment maintenance in health care sites.

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $500,000

Please note that this mechanisms COP 2012 funding request takes into account about $11.5 million in pipeline, across various budget codes.

SCMS is the procurement agent for PEPFAR-funded drugs and commodities in Cote dIvoire and the principal provider of technical assistance (TA) for the HIV/AIDS commodities supply chain, especially for forecasting, reporting, and management.

In the HVSI budget code, SCMS will use FY 2012 and pipeline funding to work with PEPFAR implementing partners and national entities to improve the quality of data collected on a routine basis in sites serving 80% of patients on ART. Quarterly supervision will be conducted with SCMS support. In collaboration with Measure Evaluation, SCMS will improve the functionality of the SIGDEP electronic tool to provide reliable, timely ARV/lab logistics data.

SCMS will assist with the integration of the MACS/SAGE warehouse information tool to improve the performance of the Public Health Pharmacy (PSP), especially in terms of warehouse management and distribution.

SCMS will work closely the PSP, the National HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Program (PNPEC), and other Ministry of Health and AIDS (MSLS) divisions to strengthen routine data collection, analysis, and use for supply chain decision making.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $600,000

Please note that this mechanisms COP 2012 funding request takes into account about $11.5 million in pipeline, across various budget codes.

SCMS is the procurement agent for PEPFAR-funded drugs and commodities in Cote dIvoire and the principal provider of technical assistance (TA) for the HIV/AIDS commodities supply chain, especially for forecasting and management.

In the OHSS budget code, SCMS will use FY 2012 and pipeline funding to provide technical assistance for:

Quantification: SCMS will provide short-term technical assistance to build capacity of the national quantification committee and transfer quantification skills to national counterparts in a quantification tool training and annual quantification for ARVs and lab commodities.

Procurement: In response to a human resource capacity development assessment, SCMS will help develop and implement a training plan for the PSP procurement team and the Ministry of Health and AIDS (MSLS) pharmacy and medicines division (DPM) staff.

Storage and distribution: SCMS will work to strengthen warehousing infrastructure at PSP by finalizing and validating technical specifications and procuring and installing warehouse equipment.

Waste management: SCMS will provide technical assistance to MSLS units to develop, validate, and disseminate a national policy and standard operating procedures for management of expired pharmaceuticals and laboratory waste, and to monitor and evaluate their implementation.

SCMS will continue to support effective coordination within the national procurement system, with strong involvement of the regional level, roll-out of the automated version of the logistics management information system, implementation of the recommendations of the situational analysis on equipment maintenance, continuation of the implementation of the integrated solution for the PSP information system, and support for improving storage and distribution systems.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Blood Safety (HMBL): $100,000

Continue to provide TA (previously funded in this budget code in COP 2011) to the National Blood Transfusion Center to assess and strengthen its supply chain for safe-blood products.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Injection Safety (HMIN): $70,000

Please note that this mechanisms COP 2012 funding request takes into account about $11.5 million in pipeline, across various budget codes.

SCMS is the procurement agent for PEPFAR-funded drugs and commodities in Cote dIvoire and the principal provider of technical assistance (TA) for the HIV/AIDS commodities supply chain, especially for forecasting and management.

In the HMIN budget code, SCMS will procure safety boxes with pipeline funding.

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $1,300,000

Please note that this mechanisms COP 2012 funding request takes into account about $11.5 million in pipeline, across various budget codes.

SCMS is the procurement agent for PEPFAR-funded drugs and commodities in Cote dIvoire and the principal provider of technical assistance (TA) for the HIV/AIDS commodities supply chain, especially for forecasting and management.

In the HVCT budget code, SCMS will use FY 2012 and pipeline funding to procure HIV rapid test kits (RTKs) and lab consumables for PEPFAR implementing partners and other partners, based on a projected 1,150,000 individuals to be tested during FY 2013.

SCMS will send all commodities to the Public Health Pharmacy (PSP) central warehouse and ensure prearranged distribution planning for all incoming orders to facilitate in-country management. SCMS will support the PSP, the National HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Program (PNPEC), and other Ministry of Health and AIDS (MSLS) divisions to ensure that a rational distribution plan is pre-calculated for each site, based on prior consumption and validated at least quarterly using client data and physical inventory spot-checks.

SCMs will provide technical assistance to support the PSP, PNPEC, and MSLS division for information (DIPE) to continue improving the quality, accuracy, and frequency of testing commodities forecasting. SCMS will provide technical assistance to improve the capacity of the national institutions to conduct efficient lab quantification processes by Sept 2013.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $1,330,000

Please note that this mechanisms COP 2012 funding request takes into account about $11.5 million in pipeline, across various budget codes.

SCMS is the procurement agent for PEPFAR-funded drugs and commodities in Cote dIvoire and the principal provider of technical assistance (TA) for the HIV/AIDS commodities supply chain, especially for forecasting and management.

In the MTCT budget code, SCMS will use FY 2012 and pipeline funding to procure HIV rapid test kits and lab consumables for a targeted 378,000 pregnant women to be tested in FY 2013, with appropriate care and ARV prophylaxis for 11,000.

SCMS will procure 93 PIMA CD4 count machines (funded in HLAB) for pilot use in PMTCT sites.

Funding for Treatment: ARV Drugs (HTXD): $22,500,000

Please note that this mechanisms COP 2012 funding request takes into account about $11.5 million in pipeline, across various budget codes.

SCMS is the procurement agent for PEPFAR-funded drugs and commodities in Cote dIvoire and the principal provider of technical assistance (TA) for the HIV/AIDS commodities supply chain, especially for forecasting and management.

In the HTXD budget code, SCMS will use FY 2012 and pipeline funding to procure and deliver ARVs for a targeted 95,000 adults and children on ART as of September 2013, plus two months of buffer stock as the country begins to implement new WHO treatment guidelines.

SCMS will support the Ministry of Health and AIDS (MSLS) supply chain technical lead to strengthen the national supply chain. SCMS will work to build the skills of the national quantification committee on forecasting ARV needs. SCMS procures first- and second-line FDA-approved or FDA- and WHO-prequalified ARVs. The forecast is based on national standard treatment guidelines. Generics represent 94% of the total quantity and 75% of the total value.

SCMS will reduce shipment fees by prioritizing sea and road transportation instead of air shipments.

SCMS will deliver procured drugs to the Public Health Pharmacy (PSP) central warehouses and ensure pre-arranged distribution planning for incoming orders to facilitate in-country management. PSP and the National HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Program (PNPEC) with SCMS support will ensure that a rational distribution plan is pre-calculated for each site based on prior consumption and reviewed at least quarterly using client data and physical inventory spot-checks.

To avoid ARV stockouts, SCMS will (i) support the PSP to conduct bi-annual supervisions of ARV logistics management information system (LMIS) users, (ii) coordinate with PEPFAR implementing partners for training, coaching, and supervision of ARV LMIS users. M&E strategies for data quality will include assessing data received at the central level through the ARV LMIS and during the supervisions, while ensuring feedback to reporting sites.

To contribute to improving the PSP distribution system, SCMS will advocate for a feasibility study on outsourcing the drug distribution system.

SCMS will support supervision activities focused on the sites covering 80% of patients receiving ART.

SCMS will support the Ministry of Health and AIDS (MSLS) Directorate of Health (DGS) to take the lead to implement an integrated supervision tool for routine data collection to inform forecasting exercises. The DGS will collaborate with the PSP, the National HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Program (PNPEC), the MSLS information division (DIPE), and other MSLS divisions to supervise decentralized activities under the leadership of the regional and district health directors. SCMS will support training for pharmacy managers on the LMIS for ARVs and opportunistic infection drugs to improve reporting.

An important goal of SCMS capacity building for MSLS units and the PSP is to reduce the need for active data collection by obtaining reliable, complete, timely data on a routine basis.

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $3,000,000

Please note that this mechanisms COP 2012 funding request takes into account about $11.5 million in pipeline, across various budget codes.

SCMS is the procurement agent for PEPFAR-funded drugs and commodities in Cote dIvoire and the principal provider of technical assistance (TA) for the HIV/AIDS commodities supply chain, especially for forecasting and management.

In the HTXS budget code, SCMS will use FY 2012 and pipeline funding to procure and deliver reagents and consumables for HIV biological monitoring for 86,450 adult ART patients (along with 8,550 pediatric patients, funded with pipeline funding in PDTX) by September 2013. SCMS will also procure reagents and consumables to support training of lab technicians at the national training school (INFAS).

SCMS will ensure that a rational distribution plan is pre-calculated for each site, based on prior consumption data, and validated at least quarterly using client data and physical inventory spot-checks.

SCMS will provide technical assistance for:

Lab logistics management information system (LMIS):To avoid lab commodities stockouts, SCMS will (i) support the PSP to conduct biannual supervision of Lab LMIS users, (ii) coordinate with PEPFAR implementing partners for training, coaching, and supervision of Lab LMIS users.

M&E strategies for data quality will include assessing data received at the central level through the Lab LMIS and during supervisions, while ensuring feedback to reporting sites.

By September 2013, with the support of SCMS, the Lab LMIS will be fully implemented in the majority of HIV testing and lab monitoring sites. Lab LMIS users will be regularly supervised by PSP pharmacist supervisors and regional and district health directors according to a national supervision plan. Once the transition plan is developed and fully implemented, national counterparts will take ownership of training, supervision/coaching, and full implementation of Lab LMIS nationwide.

Funding for Treatment: Pediatric Treatment (PDTX): $296,500

Please note that this mechanisms COP 2012 funding request takes into account about $11.5 million in pipeline, across various budget codes.

SCMS is the procurement agent for PEPFAR-funded drugs and commodities in Cote dIvoire and the principal provider of technical assistance (TA) for the HIV/AIDS commodities supply chain, especially for forecasting and management.

In the PDTX budget code, SCMS will use pipeline funding to procure reagents and consumables for HIV biological monitoring for 8,550 pediatric patients on ART by September 2013.

The program will ensure that a rational distribution plan is pre-calculated for each site, based on prior consumption and validated at least quarterly using client data and physical inventory spot-checks.

SCMS will provide technical assistance for:

Lab logistics management information system (LMIS):To avoid lab commodities stockouts, SCMS will (i) support the PSP to conduct biannual supervision of Lab LMIS users, (ii) coordinate with PEPFAR implementing partners for training, coaching, and supervision of Lab LMIS users.

M&E strategies for data quality will include assessing data received at the central level through the Lab LMIS and during supervisions, while ensuring feedback to reporting sites.

By September 2013, with the support of SCMS, the Lab LMIS will be fully implemented in the majority of HIV testing and lab monitoring sites. Lab LMIS users will be regularly supervised by PSP pharmacist supervisors and regional and district health directors according to a national supervision plan. Once the transition plan is developed and fully implemented, national counterparts will take ownership of training, supervision/coaching, and full implementation of Lab LMIS nationwide.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $2,752,672
Food and Nutrition: Commodities $100,000
Human Resources for Health $2,532,672
Motor Vehicles: Purchased $50,000
Water $70,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Increase gender equity in HIV prevention, care, treatment and support
enumerations.Malaria (PMI)
Child Survival Activities
Military Populations
Mobile Populations
Safe Motherhood
Workplace Programs